Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Amber Plus 8

The puppies continue to grow. Amber continues on her path to healing. Please keep your fingers crossed that this girl is negative for heartworms. She has been through enough in her short life already. She will be tested when she is spayed which will be at least another 3-4 weeks. Right now Pam is trying to get her to gain more weight so that we can deworm her. She was in the middle of being treated for whip worms when she broke with Parvo.

The puppies are big enough now for their first dewormings. By the weekend they will receive their first Parvo vaccination. Normally you do not give a straight Parvo vaccine, nor do you vaccinate at 4 weeks of age. Their veterinarian recommended this as a precaution since they have all been exposed to Parvo. They also did not receive the normal antibodies that other puppies would have gotten from their mother since Amber was so sick.

We have new kitten pictures coming soon!

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